Sourdough Bread

Sourdough Bread

What is Sourdough Bread?

Sourdough Bread is made by the fermentation of dough using naturally occurring yeast and bacteria in flour. While other breads may contains many ingredients, traditional Sourdough Bread contains only 3 ingredients: flour, water and salt.

Why is Sourdough Bread good for me?

Sourdough Bread is more digestible and nutritious and does not require much gluten, in contras to factory-made bread which often has gluten added. People with gluten intolerance may therefore find Sourdough Bread more comfortable to eat. Sourdough bread produces a smaller surge in blood glucose and insulin than other types of bread, and there is limited evidence that it is suitable even for coeliac patients.

Sourdough Bread has longer fermentation times than regular breads. This allows the dough to develop better and deeper flavors in the bread.

Get starter with making your own Sourdough Starter!